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Circular Economy

Happy World Environment Day from the corner of the world; one of the smallest island in the Pacific - Kiribati ️. 
With materials such as hats, sunscreens and other relevant stuff for mangroves picking, the team managed to bring their own and determine to get as much mangroves as they can. Luckily, they were able to get around 2000+ mangroves. Despite the hot weather, this team has a unified spirit in getting what they’ve come for, in safeguarding both their marine and land for today, tomorrow, and also the future.
The photos attached: These amazing young women from the Environment and Conservation Division have displayed a spirit of teamwork and passion towards their work for the environment! 
The green bags in-front of them are either full or half full of mangroves seedlings.

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By working together as one we united in keeping our environment clean and keep our Kiribati nation te boboto.

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Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
Republic of Kiribati

Phone #: 75228211, 75228212, 63030030

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From 9AM to 5:15pm

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