Administration Ongoing Projects


PIPA is known as the largest UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Ministry through the PIPA Implementation Office design long-term management and monitoring plans to safeguard PIPA resources (Marine and Terrestrial resources) by working collaboratively with national stakeholders. Due to eco-tourism development potentials, arrangements to make the PIPA one of the tourist destinations is currently ongoing focusing on fishing games activities. The goal is to promote development of eco-tourism in a manner that resources are safeguarded for long term sustainability. The tourism package developed for PIPA therefore focused on premium packages, targeting high class tourists. See the PIPA webpage to see more activities of PIPA.

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Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
Republic of Kiribati

Phone #: 75228211, 75228212, 63030030

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From 9AM to 5:15pm

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